ALAN (Artists who Love Animals and Nature) was founded in 2019, led by Curator Anita Lam and Creative Technology Director Andy Stokes. We’re a charity that works with a diverse network of artists, scientists, NGOs, and corporate partners to bring important wildlife stories to life through cutting-edge art and technology.

We take complex topics like wildlife conservation and make them accessible and engaging, using innovative, artist-driven projects to inspire empathy and understanding. By combining creativity with the latest technology, we help people see these issues in a new light and, hopefully, make a difference.

Only if we understand can we care;
Only if we care we will help;
Only if we help shall they be saved.

– Jane Goodall

We are all connected—no species can survive independently in our ecosystem. Coexistence is essential, and the choices we make are critical. ALAN is committed to offering new perspectives and encouraging collaboration to deepen our understanding of nature. By fostering these connections, we hope to inspire mindful decisions that help protect the environment and ensure a more sustainable future for everyone.


©2025 Artists who Love Animals and Nature. All rights reserved.

@2025 Artists who Love Animals and Nature

©2025 Artists who Love Animals and Nature. All rights reserved.