Augment Reality Mural
Break The Chain
Such a heavy and brutal topic needs a new approach to engage with the public. This is where ALAN comes in. Using Augmented reality street murals, in collaboration with 7 mural artists and art groups, with the support from the digital art group, The Collective, ALAN aimed to use unique art form to engage the public in a topic that is often not in the foreground. This use of fun and engaging IG filters entice audience’s curiosity to understand and to find out more about this topic. Coupled together with online video campaigns to gain public support towards the members bill.
By Aug 2021, the Hong Kong government has passed the Members Bill to step up the fight against the illegal wildlife trade, by incorporating wildlife crime offences into Hong Kong’s Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance (OSCO).
Campaign Launch
Augment Reality Mural